Les Miseres et les Mal-Heurs de la Guerre

LA ROUE (The Helm)

But behind the rich, almost cinematic
certainties that history has given us
about the war, concerning the people,
the relationships, the materials, the
time frame, the technology, lies an
impenetrable area of shadow. No one
has ever explained how a con-
scientious public allowed this to happen,
or why.

5.5″ x 8.5″ Chapbook. Printed text and hand-stamped images,gray covers with black ink. Printed on high quality linen paper. Night blue end paper. Printed in an edition of 100.

$4.50 free shipping in USA/Canada. Available from Greying Ghost.

Read the full  8 star Cold Front review here:

“This is not easy stuff to take on, and many of us don’t. (Though they exist, there are few collections coming out from the university presses, or even through SPD, that deal with this kind of thing.) It is probably the fear of writing a sappy, uninformed and altogether shitty war poem that holds many of us back from attempting them, not so much an ignorance or apathy.  It’s the fear of getting it wrong, and getting called out for it. It’s the fear of not doing it justice when every artistic medium, even poetry, has a difficult time doing war justice. But Boehl goes for it, and even over seventeen short poems, he gets it right. So I suppose one answer is to take it piece by piece, moment by moment, and focus on what we can. Boehl is here taking it on, zooming in on a reference point in history and adding a modern humanity that can easily be lost during commercial breaks in the evening news, or by a simple skimming of the online article. Whether you agree with me or not about the state of modern war poetry, or care enough to check out Jacques Callot’s original etchings for the accompaniment, we need this small collection on our coffee tables and in our collections as an appendix to our often abbreviated and streamlined realities.” — DJ Dolack


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